The Toa


Onua is an Earth spirit, and is at home below ground: with his huge hands, he scrapes out tunnels in the rocky cliffs over Papu Niho Reef. His low, squat body and head allow him to move quickly in tunnels and his infrared eyes give him amazing night vision.

In normal daylight his eyesight is poor, although he compensates with amazingly powerful hearing. He is slower on open land than underground, but has incredible strength and surprising dexterity.

Onua is at one with the land. He can hear trouble coming from miles away, and on occasion can even persuade the landscape to do his bidding - very useful when under attack.



Kopaka is the spirit of ice. He is cool, calculating, and coldly methodical in his actions. His long ice blade cuts and melts through the ice; one skillful swipe of it can cause avalanches or instantly freeze anything it touches.

Kopaka prefers to work alone. He is the least communicative of the Toa, and will only join forces with the others if it's necessary for his own survival.

The Tohunga both fear and respect Kopaka a great deal. They believe that he brings the winters, and the long cold nights...but they also know that his power strikes a balance against the presence of the fire spirit Tahu.



Tahu the fire spirit and the fiercest of the six Toa, and the most feared - you don't want to get into a fight with Tahu if you can help it.

Tahu is most at home in the hot molten world of the Mangai Volcano where he surfs on lava flows, using his sword of flames to cut through rocks and keep the lava moving down towards the ocean.

He is hot-headed and irrational, with a flaming temper. He has the least patience of all of the Toa, and often jumps into a situation without thinking, which often gets him and the other Toa into trouble!



Lewa is the spirit of the air, and the Tohunga believe Lewa controls the skies - the clouds and the wind. Lewa is almost monkey-like, and prefers to inhabit the treetops of the Jungles around Kauae Bay.

Lewa's axe cuts easily through trees and vines as he climbs and jumps through his jungle. He's supremely competent with aerial activities, and can even glide through the air when jumping from tree to tree.

Lewa is always ready to jump to conclusions - and he's the first to get into trouble. But his instincts are good, and his hunches often turn out to be right. If there's a fight, he's always the first one in, protecting others before himself.



Gali is the spirit of the water, and the only female Toa. She is incredibly wise—wiser, possibly, than all the other five Toa put together.

The Tohunga worship her more than any of the others. They believe she is the sustainer of life - but if she gets angry, look out! Tidal waves and rainstorms flood the island!

Gali is the most agile and gymnastic of the six Toa. She has incredible jumping abilities and her own brand of acrobatic self-defence. The only things that slow her down are excessively hot and dry conditions.

Gali is at home both in and near the waters of Lake Naho. Here she can swim and move quickly around the waterfalls that plunge down into the icy water, using her two hooked arms to grab onto rocks and cliffs. She works in harmony with the waters, which help to protect her in times of danger.



Pohatu is a stone spirit. He is immensely strong and can literally move mountains. Pohatu can cause massive rocks to explode like bombs, or roll with great precision towards any attacker. His huge feet contain great power, destroying even the toughest rocks with a single kick!

Pohatu is liked by all the Toa for his kind nature and for his rock-solid dependability. He's slow, but friendly and dependable. He's not good at snap decisions, but when he makes a decision to do something, he sticks with it until the end--and you DON'T get in his way! Whenever there is trouble, Pohatu will always be there behind you, an immovable force that few enemies can dislodge. His only fear is water: he cannot swim, and he sinks…like a stone.


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